The Intake

Insights for those starting, managing, and growing independent healthcare practices

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Person reviewing insurance appeal letter
Person reviewing insurance appeal letter
Sample letter for appealing a health insurance claim denial

The often labor-intensive process of reworking a denied claim and compiling additional documentation can deter practices from submitting an appeal.

best podcasts for doctors
best podcasts for doctors
8 best podcasts for doctors and healthcare providers

Stay current with healthcare and business with some of the best medical podcasts for doctors.

Nurse practitioner laws by state
Nurse practitioner laws by state
Behind the scenes: Comparing independent and corporate healthcare practices

Tebra investigated how independent healthcare providers can compete with corporate- and health system-based providers. Here are the findings.

what is the best approach to handling patient cancellations
what is the best approach to handling patient cancellations
What is the best approach to handling patient cancellations?

Managing cancellations and no-shows is critical for both patient health and practice performance. Here’s why cancellations happen for both patients and providers — and how to avoid them.

what is revenue cycle in healthcare
what is revenue cycle in healthcare
RCM: The ultimate guide to Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

Learn about RCM, including what it is, what it involves, and how to improve it for practice success.

Get expert tips, guides, and valuable insights for your medical practice
Physician and medical practice staff member read about how to calculate and improve patient no-show rate
Physician and medical practice staff member read about how to calculate and improve patient no-show rate
How to calculate patient no-show rate

The patient no-show calculation rate is a metric to help track patient experience, and these 7 tips can help you improve it.

diversify practice revenue
diversify practice revenue
5 ways to diversify revenue streams in your medical practice

Having diverse revenue streams equals healthy revenue cycle management for your practice. Here are 5 approaches to explore.

patient retention strategies
patient retention strategies
Patient retention strategies to help your practice thrive

High patient retention can shrink your availability gap. Here’s how patient rewards and loyalty programs can help.

Physician smiles for website photo as part of branding in healthcare
Physician smiles for website photo as part of branding in healthcare
How to leverage branding in healthcare to attract more patients

Use this guide to shape your practice’s marketing strategy to retain current patients and attract potential patients.

Solve cancellation and no-show challenges
Solve cancellation and no-show challenges
Stats you need to know about patient cancellations and no-shows

Discover research around why both patients and practices miss appointments or cancel at the last minute.

Stethoscope and medical billing documents depict RCM
Stethoscope and medical billing documents depict RCM
The new RCM: Going beyond billing and revenue cycle collections

Revenue cycle management (RCM) is far more than the mechanics of billing and collections. Here are opportunities to improve your practice’s revenue.

Medical billing company manager reads about marketing your billing company to mental health practices
Medical billing company manager reads about marketing your billing company to mental health practices
6 tips for marketing your billing company to mental health practices

Due to increased demand, many mental health practices may be open to having a billing company assist them. Here are tips to market to them.

healthcare back office
healthcare back office
Bridge the gap between the healthcare back office and front desk

Good communication between the back office and front desk is necessary for quality care. It’s time to create a cohesive team.

coping with holiday stress
coping with holiday stress
Survey: How patients and workers cope with mental health challenges during the holidays

Understand the mental health challenges Americans are experiencing during this holiday season and what tips healthcare workers have to offer.

Physician and medical practice staff members discuss how to write an appointment cancellation letter from doctor to patient
Physician and medical practice staff members discuss how to write an appointment cancellation letter from doctor to patient
Appointment cancellations with empathy: How to cancel patient appointments with care (includes sample letter)

Here are 5 tips for a respectful appointment cancellation approach that will help you retain patients.

X (Twitter) bios for doctors
X (Twitter) bios for doctors
X (Twitter) 101 for healthcare providers

X might be a valuable part of a practice marketing plan. Here’s what you need to know.

Physician ponders various Instagram name ideas for doctors
Physician ponders various Instagram name ideas for doctors
Guide to creating Instagram name ideas for doctors

Use these tips to help you create the perfect Instagram name for doctors.

5 star doctor reviews
5 star doctor reviews
What do 5-star doctor reviews mean?

5-star doctor reviews from happy and satisfied patients can help grow your credibility, patient volume, and revenue. Here’s how.

why do patients miss appointments
why do patients miss appointments
How to properly bill patients for missed appointments

Discover how no-show fees can discourage missed appointments — and how you can bill patients who miss appointments the right way.

Physician interacts with patient during appointment, building a strong doctor-patient relationship
Physician interacts with patient during appointment, building a strong doctor-patient relationship
The doctor-patient relationship: 8 ways to improve patient retention

Learn 7 key strategies you can use in your practice to build a strong doctor-patient relationship — and keep patients coming back.

Physician smiles and greets a patient for an appointment after digital patient engagement
Physician smiles and greets a patient for an appointment after digital patient engagement
Increase patient loyalty in healthcare by optimizing the digital patient experience

Learn what really earns patient loyalty and why it’s the key to a successful practice.

patient recall meaning
patient recall meaning
From checkup to follow up: A guide to effective patient recall with free templates

Follow-up appointments are an important part of patient retention and quality care. Here’s why they matter — and 4 templates to use when you reach out to patients.

Patient smiles while looking at phone, appreciating automatic appointment reminders
Patient smiles while looking at phone, appreciating automatic appointment reminders
9 patient appointment reminder templates that work

Use these tried-and-true appointment reminder templates to keep your schedule full, reduce no-shows, and elevate the patient experience.

Retiree on Medicare asks healthcare provider what is an accountable care organization
Retiree on Medicare asks healthcare provider what is an accountable care organization
What is an Accountable Care Organization? A provider’s guide

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are groups of healthcare providers and hospitals that come together to coordinate care for Medicare patients.

Get expert tips, guides, and valuable insights for your healthcare practice