The Intake

Insights for those starting, managing, and growing independent healthcare practices

Lisa Dare, freelance healthcare writer

Lisa Dare is a senior writer and brand strategist for Velocity Partners, a B2B marketing agency. She has written about B2B technology for 10 years, including communications work in healthcare digitization, interoperability, and automation. She likes writing for independent practitioners because they can make decisions with fewer restrictions, and can develop long-term relationships that help them deeply understand patients.

  • Bachelor of Arts, communication, Tulane University

Latest in Lisa Dare, freelance healthcare writer

how to get more patients
how to get more patients
The guide to attracting patients to your medical practice

Get patients in the door with these marketing and patient engagement tips.

medical billing process
medical billing process
How to get paid more and faster by improving your medical billing process

By following best practices for medical billing, you can reach your profit potential.

Patient scheduling and retention graphic
Patient scheduling and retention graphic
Patient scheduling and retention tactics that keep your calendar full

In a landscape where patients have rising expectations and more options for meeting healthcare needs, retaining patients is critical for not just patient health but also practice performance.

Get expert tips, guides, and valuable insights for your medical practice

Get expert tips, guides, and valuable insights for your healthcare practice