The Intake

Insights for those starting, managing, and growing independent healthcare practices

RCM and Claims

Take control of revenue and claims for your independent practice or medical billing company with actionable insights. Explore revenue cycle management, claims, KPIs, and more.

Latest in RCM and Claims

doctor analyzing clean claims in medical billing
doctor analyzing clean claims in medical billing
Clean medical claims: What you need to know for increased revenue

It’s not enough to just be proficient at submitting clean claims. Get the latest trends in medical claims submission from a medical industry expert

Healthcare professional reads about hcpcs consolidated billing
Healthcare professional reads about hcpcs consolidated billing
Skilled nursing facility consolidated billing enforcement: HCPCS code changes

Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes play a critical role in healthcare billing. Here’s what you need to know about the July 2023 changes.

happy doctor looking at revenue cycle management kpis
happy doctor looking at revenue cycle management kpis
Key performance indicators for the revenue cycle

Master the complexities of medical billing. Learn how to evaluate medical billing specialist performance and optimize your revenue cycle through key performance indicators (KPIs).

Healthcare professional reads about licenses to start your own medical business
Healthcare professional reads about licenses to start your own medical business
Top 3 benefits of collecting payments at the time of service

Time-of-service payments can lead to more predictable revenue. A boon for independent practices.

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