Tebra payment processing pricing policy

Tebra Payment Processing is simple to set-up, has no annual fees and transparent, straightforward pricing:

One flat-rate for all transactions
Processing Fee:

2.75% + $0.30
per transaction

  • No long-term contracts
  • No monthly fees


Other fees for using Tebra Payment Processing Services

Billing Frequency and Methods

Description Fee/Price Explanation
Refunds Processing fee applied Original processing fees are taken out of all refunds.
Chargeback Request $15 A $15 fee will be charged anytime a patient disputes a charge and receives money back from the issuing bank.
Chargeback Representment Fee $15 After a chargeback, if a submerchant would like to submit evidence to reverse the chargeback a $15 representment fee will be charged. If the original transaction proves to be valid, the submerchant will recover the funds that were revoked.
PCI Non-Compliance Fee $100/month Anytime a submerchant falls out of PCI compliancy a $100 per month charge will recurring until PCI compliancy is again obtained.
Per Fiscal Day Overdraft Fee $35/day When settlement funds drop to below zero a $35 per day fee will be charged to the submerchant.
Card Account Updater .25 cents Automatically identifies Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards that have been replaced with a new card number or expiration date, and updates the stored customer payment details with the new card data; a $0.25 fee will be charged each time there is an update that needs to be recorded.
Demand Deposit Account Change (instructions) $15 / change $15 charge to change bank account information on file.
1099K Rejection $100 / per submerchant occurrence $100 fee for a rejected 1099K.
Change Request (CR) $15 / change $15 charge to change business information on file.