ICD-10 Code D64.9
Anemia, unspecified
What is the code D64.9?
D64.9 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code used for "anemia, unspecified." This code falls under the chapter concerning diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism.
Detailed description of D64.9
This code is typically used when a patient is diagnosed with anemia, but the type or cause of the anemia is not specified. It is often used in clinical settings where full diagnostic testing has not been performed or the results are inconclusive.
Symptoms commonly associated with D64.9
- Fatigue or unusual tiredness
- Paleness or reduced hemoglobin
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness or feeling lightheaded
Related and similar ICD-10 codes
- D64.0: Anemia due to (antibody-mediated) drug reaction
- D64.1: Secondary sideroblastic anemia due to disease
- D64.8: Other specified anemias
Appropriate usage of D64.9 for billing
D64.9 should be used for billing when anemia is diagnosed but further details are not specified or determined through testing.
There are many anemia diagnostic terms included in the description for D64.9. These include:
- Anemia chronic
- Anemia due to lead paint exposure
- Anemia due to medication
- Anemia due to radiation
- Anemia during pregnancy (baby not yet delivered)
- Anemia in childbirth
- Anemia in mother complicating childbirth
- Anemia postpartum
- Anemia, due to another condition
- Anemia, due to medications
- Anemia, normocytic, normochromic
- Anemia, radiation
- Chronic anemia
- Maternal anemia in pregnancy, before birth
- Normocytic normochromic anemia
- Postpartum anemia (after childbirth)
- Secondary anemia
Instructional guidelines for providers coding D64.9
Providers should ensure that the diagnosis of anemia is documented based on symptoms or tests, even if the specific type is not identified. Further testing may be recommended to clarify the type of anemia.
D64.9 includes direction to code first I21.A1, Myocardial infarction, type 2, when the diagnosis is also documented by the provider in the assessment portion of the note.
D64.9 includes a type 1 exclusion for D53.9, Nutritional anemia, unspecified. When nutritional anemia, unspecified, is documented in the assessment by the provider, code D53.9 instead of D64.9.
Common pitfalls in coding with D64.9
- Using D64.9 when more specific information is available that could lead to a more precise coding.
- Failure to document the diagnostic basis for the anemia which can lead to misuse of this unspecified code.
Key resources for D64.9 coding
- CMS ICD-10 Homepage: Provides official resources and guidelines for ICD-10-CM coding.
- WHO ICD-10 Online Browser: Useful for checking the specifics of codes related to long-term medication use.
The use of ICD-10-CM code D64.9 allows healthcare providers to appropriately document cases of unspecified anemia, facilitating timely and accurate treatment and ensuring proper billing and coding practices.
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