The Intake

Insights for those starting, managing, and growing independent healthcare practices

Editorial Standards

Editorial guidelines: Why trust The Intake?

At The Intake, our mission is to provide the latest news and insights on the topics relevant to independent healthcare professionals and medical billers. Our content is free from outside interests, and we rely on a seasoned team of healthcare and business experts to uphold our accuracy standards. You can trust the integrity and reliability of every piece published on The Intake.

Content creation process

Our content process is rigorous. Before publication, every article undergoes a comprehensive review. Our writers — journalists, academics, and experts — undertake extensive research, including interviews and original surveys, to ensure thorough and accurate coverage

Upon completion, each article is scrutinized for accuracy by our expert review team, then undergoes a final editorial check to ensure clarity and readability

Sources and attribution

Our rigorous content creation involves in-depth research, leveraging primary sources and interviews with subject matter experts. Every source is cited by our writers and editorial team to ensure our content’s credibility and accuracy


All content is reviewed twice before publishing — first by a subject matter expert and then an editor. We require all data, statistics, and references to be cited and explained so you understand exactly where the information comes from.


Though The Intake is a proud part of Tebra, which is committed to enhancing healthcare through technology and support, we maintain strict editorial independence. Our content is never influenced by advertisers or third-party interests.

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