Exclusive report

Industry experts on building a successful practice

This exclusive report shares real-world insights from providers and industry experts to help you overcome financial and operational challenges – and build a successful business model for your practice.
Say goodbye to declining profit margins
Reduce overhead costs with proven strategies
Get ahead of staffing and billing trends
Build a sustainable business model

Get a sneak peak

What you’ll get

Strengths, challenges, and threats to your practice

Explore our in-depth survey data from 124 independent providers on the current industry outlook including revenue and service growth, operational and staffing challenges, and financial threats.

Diverse expert provider perspectives

PCPs, PAs, NPs, and mental health professionals report different outlooks for their practices. Explore our expert analysis on the operational nuances impacting each industry sector.

Maximize your income and reduce costs

66% of providers cite shrinking reimbursement rates as their #1 challenge, while 54% agree high overhead costs are a top threat. Hear from our industry experts.

Your sustainable business model

Apply our data insights and expert guidance to build a sustainable business model that maximizes revenue, streamlines operations, supports key staff, and delivers quality patient care at your practice.

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the top threats to independent practices in 2024?

    41% of providers consider the independent healthcare model to be very or extremely threatened, a significant increase from only 27% in our 2023 survey. The top 3 reported threats to providers remaining independent are leaders reaching retirement age, burnout due to overburdened workloads, and financial challenges associated with shrinking margins.

  • Are independent providers optimistic or pessimistic about the future?

    Despite current threats, 64% of providers expect to increase their revenue in 2025 due to growing demand for services. Over 60% also report plans to expand locations and service offerings, while 56% anticipate growing their provider staff as well.

  • How can providers improve future-proof their practices?

    Experts agree that maximizing your billable totals by improving coding accuracy has a tremendous impact on practice income. Leveraging a robust EHR system can streamline billing and administrative workflows to free up valuable time for staff. Additionally, focusing on staff retention and efficiency can help reduce turnover and keep overhead costs down.

  • Do NPs spell the end of the primary care physician?

    Independent PCPs report feeling the most threatened among all surveyed healthcare providers due to staffing shortages, insufficient reimbursement rates, and competition with larger healthcare systems. The rise of PAs and NPs also contributes to the changing landscape, as most basic primary care visits can now be properly managed under their care.