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Verified Psychologists in Eden Prairie, MN
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10 providers
Availability last updated 03/03/2025
Dr. Fabio Azeredo
6625 Lyndale Ave S.
Suite 440
Richfield, MN 55423
Dr. Amy Patella is a clinical psychologist who most recently practiced at the Ozark Center in Joplin, Missouri. She has experience in a variety of settings including community mental health, day treatment, inpatient, outpatient, schools, and a medical office in a manufacturing plant.
Dr. Patella's is focused on making therapy accessible to people from different cultures and backgrounds. She incoprorates approaches that emphasize the connection between mind and body.
Mental health counseling
Woodbury clinic
Psy.D in Clinical Psychology, Chicago School of Clinical Psychology, 2005
Amy Patella, PsyD
14440 28th Place North
Plymouth, MN 55447
Dr. Amy Patella is a clinical psychologist who most recently practiced at the Ozark Center in Joplin, Missouri. She has experience in a variety of settings including community mental health, day treatment, inpatient, outpatient, schools, and a medical office in a manufacturing plant.
Dr. Patella's is focused on making therapy accessible to people from different cultures and backgrounds. She incoprorates approaches that emphasize the connection between mind and body.
Mental health counseling
Woodbury clinic
Psy.D in Clinical Psychology, Chicago School of Clinical Psychology, 2005
Amy Patella, PsyD
2428 East 117th Street
Burnsville, MN 55337
Dr. Amy Patella is a clinical psychologist who most recently practiced at the Ozark Center in Joplin, Missouri. She has experience in a variety of settings including community mental health, day treatment, inpatient, outpatient, schools, and a medical office in a manufacturing plant.
Dr. Patella's is focused on making therapy accessible to people from different cultures and backgrounds. She incoprorates approaches that emphasize the connection between mind and body.
Mental health counseling
Woodbury clinic
Psy.D in Clinical Psychology, Chicago School of Clinical Psychology, 2005
Amy Patella, PsyD
2847 Johnson St. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Dr. Amy Patella is a clinical psychologist who most recently practiced at the Ozark Center in Joplin, Missouri. She has experience in a variety of settings including community mental health, day treatment, inpatient, outpatient, schools, and a medical office in a manufacturing plant.
Dr. Patella's is focused on making therapy accessible to people from different cultures and backgrounds. She incoprorates approaches that emphasize the connection between mind and body.
Mental health counseling
Woodbury clinic
Psy.D in Clinical Psychology, Chicago School of Clinical Psychology, 2005
Amy Patella, PsyD
1789 Woodlane Drive
Suite A
Woodbury, MN 55125