In a healthcare system that is increasingly over-stressed, under-staffed, and providers are forced to see very complicated patient's in very short periods of time because all profits or sustenance is funneled into investors pockets and not re-invested back into the structure of healthcare, I stand up and say, No more! Patient's need time with their providers. Patient's need to be heard and Providers need the time to review, consult, order tests and or images, gain additional consults and try new and alternative treatments to help their patients actually get Better Now! I am your thoughtful problem solving provider. I am your health coach. I am your provider who will research on your behalf, seek and explore new treatments. I will think outside the box. I will encourage and motivate you. I will hold you accountable. I will challenge you to make meaningful obtainable goals that you are capable of achieving. And together we will overcome healthcare obstacles by forging new paths.