Pohala Clinic Pc
Nurse Practitioner
Portland, OR, 97206
The Best doctor I have ever had.
Relaxed and plenty of time to review lab work.
Pohala Clinic PC in Portland, Oregon, is an integrative family medicine practice headed up by Julie Foster, FNP, MSN. The practice meets the health care needs of people of all ages with conventional and alternative strategies. Treating every patient with compassion, care, and attention, the practitioners offer functional and integrative medicine approaches in an environment that enables patients to save time and money while creating a community. The word “pohala” means to recover from sickness and be relieved of worry. “Ho’o.pohala” means to revive, while “Ho’to.pohala” means to clarify. These words embody the intent of Pohala Clinic PC.
The practitioners possess a wealth of knowledge and experience in a variety of traditional and natural therapies, so they’ve created a place of healing that is a sacred space for clients. Their goal is to manage stress and illness for each patient who enters the clinic doors to promote their health and optimal well-being.
Patients can have their needs met when it comes to pediatric care, urgent care, nutrition support, and hormone balancing. Integrative support in the form of naturopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, and cranial sacral therapy are available. Julie is also a specialist in mental health therapy and natural cancer support.
Patients can call Pohala Clinic PC or schedule an appointment online to set up a consultation.
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Practitioner