Domonique Williams, MSSA
Social Worker
FocusCare LLC is a superior behavioral healthcare practice in Youngstown, Ohio, managed by Domonique Williams, LISW and owned by Kofee L. Mostella, MACM, LICDC. They and their skilled team work with clients age 4 and older in a compassionate, friendly atmosphere.
The team takes a holistic, conservative, integrative, community-based service approach to mental health and substance abuse counseling and other mental health treatments.
FocusCare utilizes individualized service planning as the core of the treatment model. Highly trained behavioral health specialists compare the needs of each client with recommendations by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the American Counseling Association (ACA).
They develop service plans tailored to each client’s personalized needs, addressing medical necessities and evidence-based practices.
The experienced team of providers at FocusCare LLC is dedicated to the effort of repairing brokenness in their community. They are compassionate, educated, professional, and committed to the overall health of clients and their entire families.
The practice specialists care for clients struggling with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as substance use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Some of the treatments offered includes individual and family counseling, school-based services, targeted case management, and psychotherapy (talk therapy). FocusCare offers both in-person and telehealth (virtual) treatment options.
The friendly providers warmly welcome new and existing clients to the practice. To schedule an appointment at FocusCare LLC, call the office or use the online booking tab today.
Social Worker