Dr. Allan Chircus, MD
General Practice Physician
EZMED Primary & Urgent Care is the top-rated practice of its kind in Timonium, Maryland. The practice’s physician and medical director, Allan Chircus, MD, leads a team of experienced specialists who are firmly dedicated to providing the highest standard of health care.
The practice makes health care accessible and easy for patients in the communities of Timonium, Lutherville, Towson, and Baltimore.
Both walk-in and same-day appointments are available for urgent care, and treatment of acute injuries. Appointments are required for Primary Care visits. Additionally, the practice is a reliable source for Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals, pre-op physicals, intravenous (IV) hydration, and testing in the on-site lab.
Affordable care is a major focus at EZMED Primary & Urgent Care. On average, medical bills are less than one-third of what an emergency room (ER) visit would cost. It’s also much easier to get fast help at the practice versus the ER. On average, wait times are just 15-25 minutes.
EZMED Primary & Urgent Care offers extended hours: Monday-Thursday from 7am-9pm, Friday from 7am-7pm, and Sunday from 8am-5pm (closed only on Saturdays) to make medical care convenient for the whole family.
The practice is welcoming patients through appointments as well as walk-ins, so call in or click the online scheduler anytime.
General Practice Physician
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant