Nina Robinson, DPM
2635 Walnut St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
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173 providers
Availability last updated 03/03/2025
Nina Robinson, DPM
2635 Walnut St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
Carl Hoeger, DPM
2635 Walnut St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
Jonathan Kim, DPM
2635 Walnut St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
Robert Joseph, DPM
1711 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Dr. Edmond Lee, DPM
1400 S Grand Ave #700
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Robert Joseph, DPM
1510 S. Central Ave
Suite 120
Glendale, CA 91204
Dr. Edmond Lee, DPM
1401 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Ronald Belczyk, DPM
14973 Hesperia Rd
Victorville, CA 92395
Bruce Levine, DPM
550 N Brand Blvd Ste 900
Glendale, CA 91203
Robert Joseph, DPM
716 W. Broadway
Suite 100
Glendale, CA 91204
Norris Morrison, DPM, is a podiatrist at High Desert Limb Salvage Institute in San Bernardino, Apple Valley, and Indio, California. A specialist in his field, Dr. Morrison provides complete podiatry care to people of all ages.
Dr. Morrison earned his podiatry degree at the Ohio State University College of Medicine in Columbus. After graduation, he received extensive training in trauma care and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Morrison has more than 10 years of experience diagnosing, treating, and preventing foot, ankle, and heel disorders. Whenever possible, he takes a conservative and holistic approach to treatment but understands that certain conditions, like diabetic ulcers, require more specialized care.
Dr. Morrison is an accomplished limb salvage surgeon and a certified wound care specialist. His knowledge and commitment to minimally invasive treatments help people achieve relief from pain, allow for enhanced mobility, and improve their quality of life.
Dr. Morrison looks forward to welcoming both new and returning patients.
Dr. Norris Morrison, DPM
18523 Corwin road
ste b
Apple Valley, CA 92307